Outpatient service

The early rehabilitation speech therapy program includes a personalized bi-weekly meeting with a speech therapist for 1 to 3 years old children.

This service was established with the purpose of developing the communication skills of every hearing-impaired child through the visual, mimic-expressive and auditory-vocal channels, it is also useful to get familiar parents and children in using the hearing aids.

During each session, the speech therapist invites children to observe his/her mouth and the expressions on his/her face while speaking; makes him/her put his/her hand on his/her cheek, on his/her lips, on his/her throat, to make him/her feel the vibration that the voice produces. Through a specific game, the hearing-impaired child can listen, see, observe and touch the source of various sounds to stimulate his hearing in such a way which creates the necessary conditions of learning words.

Parents during  the sessions can learn how to communicate with the hearing-impaired child and help him/her in his/her growth.